I have written the instructions for pom pom ladybirds. At the moment life is really busy with getting everything ready for the woollen woods and ‘Here and There’. My grandchildren wanted to join in. We decided to make as many pom pom ladybirds as we could, so that we can make a ladybird tree. Continue reading Pom Pom Ladybirds
Month: April 2015
Woollen Woods
Woollen Woods in Belper starts on Saturday May 23rd at 3.00pm and continues until the evening of Monday may 25th. Come down to the Belper Parks Woods to discover so many animals ad other things hidden among the trees. Things are displayed in the woods in the area called Great Park Wood. The ‘Woollen Woods’ is an event happening all over the country. Woollen woods was started by Eden Arts in 2013 when they asked people to make items from wool to be displayed in the woods of Acorn Bank NT House. I visited this house in June 2013 and loved all the things I saw. Continue reading Woollen Woods
TED Talks
I love listening to TED talks and also watching them on You Tube. TED stands for Technology Entertainment and Design. Here is the definition from Wiki Answers ‘TED is a small nonprofit organisation devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and Design. TED talks are motivational ways to improve your life, while learning a variety of new “life tricks” and many self improvement techniques.’ Continue reading TED Talks